As a LMT(Licensed Massage Therapist) my goal is to get your pain level/stress levels lower than what they were when you walked into my office. From just normal pain or wear & tear of life to surgeries, and acute/chronic illness I am here for you. I am certified in S.M.R.T, which stands for Spontaneous Muscle Relief Technique, which is a custom positional release. This technique centers on alignment & movement of the skeleton. I am now certified in Advanced SMRT Hips, Lower Back, & Abdomen. I now have more knowledge about the hip girdle, and how to assess, formulate a treatment plan and treat clients with hip girdle issues. With that I specialize in Therapeutic Massage, which is more of a clinical or medical massage. I also am a TA ( Teacher Assistant) at Full Circle School of Massage Therapy! I enjoy helping out and helping the next set of future massage therapists. I have mainly helped students with hearing and seeing disabilities, it has really expanded on how I come at things in the world. I am now a Teacher for Student Clinical to the upcoming massage therapist. I help, guide and mentor the students on what can and will happen in a massage session.